

VISION: To be on the vanguard of data science
MISSION: Solve data science problems and help realize the research and development potential of data science for our clients

Services we provide


Clients Testimonials

“This group has been consistently contributing to the Malaysian National Grid Computing Initiative. They are excellent at organising workshops and providing day-to-day maintenance of grid administration and services.”

Abdul Rahim Ahmad, PhD, MIEE – Universiti Tenaga Nasional

“The team has successfully delivered on a HPC expansion project in UTM. They were fully committed and contributed creative ideas.”

Mohd Saberi Mohamad, PhD – Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

“The team produced meticulous work and provided sound justifications on the various statistical methods that should be adopted for the study. They showed originality and all deliverables were always handed on time and professionally.”

Mary Ang, Independent Consultant of the International Olympic Committee – Principal Investigator of the Singapore 2010 Impact Study

“When presented with a complex analysis, they were able to use all the tools at their disposal and give a final result that has been rigorously tested. They pay attention to the needs of the client and offer explanations that are simple and easy to understand. Overall, an exceptional experience with them.”

Stephen Ponnampalam, MBBS, MD – Institute for Medical Research, Malaysia




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Address: Block B and D1, MAEPS Building, MARDI Complex, Jalan MAEPS Perdana, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia.

Email: inquiry{at}alterquo.io

Phone:+60 3 8941 8646